Begin at the beginning...
Lace is a versatile fabric, there are so many different types of lace you might find it hard to believe that lace is primarily made from just two stitches, half stitch and whole stitch. These stitches are constructed from a series of crosses and twists.
Some good resources to start to learn bobbin lace making include:
The Techniques of Bobbin Lace by Pamela Nottingham - this is a good introduction to learning lace covering Torchon, Bucks Point and Buckinghamshire Lace techniques
The Technique of Torchon Lace by Pamela Nottingham
Torchon Lacemaking by Elizabeth Wade
Bobbin Lace Making by Doreen Wright
Some good resources to learn more about different types of lace and lace history:
The Illustrated Dictionary of Lace by Judyth L. Gwynne